My Daniel Plan Story by Tom McMillan

My Daniel Plan Story

by Tom McMillan

In the beginning of 2015 my wife, and I wanted to take some sort of class through church to improve our faith and relationship. We found the Daniel Plan class and decided that we would take the class together. We both enjoyed the class and found the information to be very useful. I became very sold on the benefits of the each of the 5 main pillars (Faith, Food, Fitness, Focus, and Friendship). I started to eat better exercise more and incorporate many of the ideas into my daily routines. I really obtained a great understanding of the biblical connections to each of the 5 areas and my overall health. The section on Focus solidified my understanding of how positive thinking can improve health. I learned and practiced many of the concepts that I discovered while taking that first session. I saw many improvements in my health including weight loss and better blood work numbers. I wanted to share my experience with others so that they could live Daniel Strong also.

The next Daniel Plan session was coming up, and we needed some volunteers to lead the small group breakout sessions. I took a leap of faith and signed up to be a leader. I had a small group of new students that were soon to be filled with new and exciting knowledge. I had such a fun time preparing for the classes and leading the sessions. I was able to anticipate and watch each participant change in so many positive ways in just a few weeks. Some people were able to make health and fitness strides while others improved in the areas of faith and focus. The Daniel Plan changes people and is an easy way to plug into your faith and improve all areas of your life. Give it a try! The next session is coming soon.

For more information on the next session, click here.

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